Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation. It lets people find the sweet spot of feasibility, viability, and desirability while considering the real needs and desires of people.
Design Thinking Bootleg by Stanford (deck)
Set of tools and methods that are the components of design thinking. Starter Kit by Stanford (deck)
Three hour course designed to help you learn and practice design mindsets and thinking.
Human-centered design is about cultivating empathy with the people you’re designing for and designing new solutions that are built to suit their needs.
Design Kit by IDEO
IDEO’s online learning platform with practical tips on applying human-centered design in any context. Here you’ll learn the key Mindsets and Methods of how we work with step-by-step guidance to put it all into action.
The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design by IDEO
Contains design process with key mindsets that underpin how and why we think about design for the social sector, 57 clear-to-use design methods for new and experienced practitioners, and from-the-field case studies of human-centered design in action.
Designing For and With Girls by IDEO
This book captures real-life stories, tools, and perspectives that can help guide practitioners in creating services tailored to adolescent girls.
Rapid Prototyping and Associated Resources by IDEO
This method gives you an overview of the main steps involved in a rapid prototyping phase, as well as the resources needed under each step.
Prototype Testing Plan by Nesta
The Prototype Testing Plan gives a useful overview of the different ways in which you can test your prototype, as well as when to test it.Useful resources on designing for results and impact
Development Impact and You (DIY) Toolkit by Nesta
This is a toolkit on how to invent, adopt, or adapt ideas that can deliver better results. It’s quick to use, simple to apply, and designed to help busy people working in development.
What Was, Is, and Could Be Tool by Design Impact
When the ground is always shifting under your feet, it’s hard to see anything but what’s in front of you. This exercise can help you focus on these changes through another perspective… and see the opportunities beginning to emerge.
Introduction to Digital Health by NIH (2020)
WHO Guideline: Recommendations on digital interventions for health system strengthening by WHO (2019)
The key aim of this guideline is to present recommendations based on a critical evaluation of the evidence on emerging digital health interventions that are contributing to health system improvements, based on an assessment of the benefits, harms, acceptability, feasibility, resource use, and equity considerations.
Classification of digital health interventions v1.0 by WHO (2018)
The classification of digital health interventions (DHIs) categorizes the different ways in which digital and mobile technologies are being used to support health system needs.
Monitoring and Evaluation Digital Health Interventions by WHO (2016)
This Guide provides step-wise guidance to improve the quality and value of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) efforts in the context of digital health interventions, which are also commonly referred to as mHealth or eHealth interventions.
mHealth Assessment and Planning for Scale (MAPS) Toolkit by WHO (2015)
The mHealth Assessment and Planning for Scale (MAPS) Toolkit is a comprehensive self-assessment and planning guide designed to improve the capacity of projects to pursue strategies that increase their potential for scaling up and achieving long-term sustainability.
Creating a Culture of Innovation by Google
How do you create a culture of innovation? Google has distilled its thinking into eight principles of innovation and how they are applied inside Google.
Intrapraneurship, Explained by MIT Sloan
Intrapreneurship is acting like an entrepreneur within an established company. It’s creating a new business or venture within an organization. One way to make doing new things easier is through incentive programs.
UN Innovation Toolkit by UN Innovation Network
Developed by the UN for the UN, this digital platform includes 21 tools, step-by-step directions, worksheets, case studies, references as well as a 27-question assessment which provides a diagnosis on every user’s strengths and areas for improvement.
UNFPA Innovation Day Toolkit by UNFPA
Planning an Innovation Day? Look here for tips and tools.
The Innovation Circle: A Process for Introducing New Products and Services by MindTools
The Innovation Circle is a useful step-by-step model that defines the major steps that happen during the creation and deployment of a successful innovation (which can be a new service, product, or process).
Doblin's 10 Types of Innovation by MindTools
Doblin's 10 Types of Innovation is a useful tool that identifies the key areas to consider when you're innovating.
Free courses offered in social entrepreneurship, lean startup principles, designing for sustainability and social impact, human-centered design, rapid prototyping, business models for social enterprise, social impact analysis, storytelling for change, and more
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